Welcome to the Ghost Build Guide, where we'll help you create an effective strategy for your run using "Ghost Axe" as our main weapon.

In this guide, we'll take a practical approach to crafting a winning setup for Ghost. Our main focus will be getting a lot of Dodge in the early game, Attack Speed and HP Regen for the mid game and pure HP for the late. We also scale infinitely

Let's get started on refining your strategy and achieving better results in your battles.

Brotato: Ghost Build - The ultimate Guide

The first 3 waves

We start with the Ghost Axe for this build, the main focus is getting them to lv 4 as fast as possible, for more Damage farming.

During the initial 3 waves, prioritize purchasing Ghost Axe and search for Dodge and Attack Speed items in the shop and hold them. Here's a list of the items you'll need:

For stats, we need Dodge, of course, but also focus on Melee Damage and Attack Speed.

Brotato: Ghost Build - The ultimate Guide

The mid-game transition

Now, it's time for us to make preparations and transition into the mid-game phase.

So we built our lv 4 Axes, and got our Dodge to almost 90%, Ghost now will play by itself we just need to keeping killing the waves and scalling our Damage, we'll also need some HP items, 10% is enough for us to take a hit kill, so we need our HP to be 50+, here's a list of some of them:

For stats we keep the same strategy as the early-game, but this time we're also looking for some high value HP and HP Regen.

Brotato: Ghost Build - The ultimate Guide

The late-game transition

Now we have a lot of stacked Damage, a lot of Attack Speed and a good amount of HP, we're ready to fight the Bosses/Elites, but we can still buy some good items, here's some items for this phase in the run:

Our stats are basically the same, Attack Speed, HP and HP Regen, at this point, we're ready to end the run with a win!

Brotato: Ghost Build - The ultimate Guide

And there you have it, a super simple and strong build, Ghost doesn't have a crazy build with crazy strategies, the character is straight foward, buy Dodge, Attack Speed and scale infinitely. The Elite/Bosses fight are the easiest with this character, so the win is guaranteed!